Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year Resolutions :)

Yes, it is that time of the year!... 

Here are my New Year health resolutions: 

- Practice Yoga regularly
If you read my post about the health benefits of yoga, you can imagine why one would 
have it as one of their resolutions. 

- Run a half-marathon. 
I've been hoping to run one for years. This should definitely be the year! (13 miles in 2013 :) ) 

- Weight 125 again :) 
My ideal weight is supposed to be between 104 and 131 lbs. I have been over the overweight limit for a while now. This has to change. I have already shed 8 lbs healthily (no crash diets, I don't starve myself) and I wish to reach this weight and be able to hold it :D 

- Cook more, cook healthier. 

And post recipes online!

What are your new year healthy resolutions?

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