Sunday, December 30, 2012

'Purple smoothie'

Just made a smoothie tonight, super light and full of vitamins and superfoods. 

Mix some: 

Strawberries> low calorie, full of antioxidants ( about 21% of manganese daily needs), high amount of vitamin C, potassium, vitamin K and magnesium (good for the bones).  

Blackberries> fruit with highest amount of antioxidants (which are good for cancer prevention and healthy skin), omega 3 fatty acids (prevents heart disease), high amounts of vitamin K and C. 

1 Banana> high amount of fiber (about 10% of daily needs in fibers), high amount of vitamin B6 (helps with lymphoid glands), and potassium (good for healthy bones.) 

Almond milk (or regular milk) I chose almond milk so it would have less calories in it. Cow milk or other alternative milks also work fine! 


Protein Shake (optional) 

                                                  Yay for healthy and light smoothies!

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